Κυριακή 18 Ιουλίου 2021

International Survey: -A YEAR LATER-Language Educators Working Online during COVID-19 Pandemic


Σας προωθώ το αίτημα για συμμετοχή στην έρευνα International Survey: -A YEAR LATER-Language Educators Working Online during COVID-19 Pandemic εκ μέρους των: 

Dina Tsagari (OsloMet, Norway), Jenny Liontou (NKUA, Greece) and Christina Giannikas (CUT, Cyprus).

Είναι σημαντικό να καταγραφούν όλες οι απόψεις, γι'αυτό σας παρακαλώ να απαντήσετε στο ερωτηματολόγιο.

Dear colleague,
We would really appreciate your participation in the international survey
"Language Educators Working Online during COVID-19 Pandemic - A year
If you have been teaching online during the pandemic offering lessons in
the private or public sector or even as a private tutor, we would like to
kindly ask you to take part in our survey by filling in the questionnaire
available online at:

This survey is part of an international project intended for language
teachers, teacher trainers and university lecturers who were obliged to
move from face-to-face teaching to teaching online. We are particularly
interested in your experiences, thoughts and emotions during the pandemic
and especially now that face-to-face lessons are offered or are going to
be offered in most educational institutions.

Your responses will remain confidential. If you choose to supply your
email address for further participation, your responses will be
de-identified for any publication or dissemination purposes.

*Please note:
-The survey will only take about 15 minutes to complete.
-You can withdraw at any time if you are not comfortable answering any of
the questions.
-Your participation will remain completely anonymous.
-The data collected will be analyzed by the researchers mentioned below
and only for research purposes related to teaching during the COVID-19
pandemic that has affected our teaching practices for more than 12 months.

Please feel free to share this questionnaire with your colleagues.

We appreciate your input and time spent responding to the survey questions.

The researchers,
Dina Tsagari (OsloMet, Norway), Jenny Liontou (NKUA, Greece) and Christina
Giannikas (CUT, Cyprus)